Monday, November 17, 2008

The affects of reading "The Kite Runner"

The Kite Runner had many twists and turns.

The father, Baba, was a great parent. He taught good morals that didn't seem like they were relevant at the time. Baba stood up to the German solider in spite of the calamity.

To me it seemed the same way when my parents were raising me. I thought that they didn't appreciate me, but come to find out they were only tyring to teach me the right things so that I could grow up and become a successful adult.

The coward, Amir, ran from not only the truth but his best Friend.

After reading the chapter of the event I thought to myself and told myself that I would never abandon my friends, because it makes me mad when people do that kind of stuff to their friends like that.

The Kite Runner Bullies !

In the book "The Kite Runner" there are many bullies.

There are bullied bullies such as Amir. The wealthy boy, Amir was bullied by Assef, the perpetrator.

Assef exhibited malevolence toward Amir when he called him names and later on physically assaulted him.

So when Hassan was ill treated Amir watched the attack happen but didn't say anything. Until the grief caught up to him, then Amir tried to get his father Baba to get rid of him.

So Amir hit him with things but got no response, then he placed some of his own birthday money and a watch under his bed. (I think you know where that was heading).

There was a lot of bulling going on.